Wow...its been one full year since I got diagnosed with diabetes!
It has been a year filled with lots of tears, anger, heartaches, heartbreaks, disappointments. In a million years I never thought I would be sitting here jabbing myself with insulin, pricking my fingers and all other hassles that comes with diabetes or even have diabetes. But hey, here we are.
It has also been a year of doctors visits and lab tests, I really don't like going to the doctors, they always find something(in my opinion). I have had to make lots of trips to the doctors and God has blessed me with very kind doctors. I'm very grateful for that.
I decided to reflect on my life this past year and I have gone through a whole lot, i don't even know how I'm still standing or how I keep going, I have had lots of things thrown at me and truth be told, It has really affected me. Sometimes I wonder if i would ever go back to the very happy Wemmy I used to be. I don't know if this is how life is for everyone but it has been kinda crazy for me this past year.
But I'm not gonna give up, I'm gonna keep going on and doing my best. I have come to realize that diabetes is a journey, its really not going anywhere, I have to live with it and take care of it my whole life.
I couldn't have survived without the amazing people that have supported me, to every single one of you I say a big thank you from the bottom of heart.
One year down, forever to go!